Friday, 5 August 2011

Breaking Typo by Dani Chaparro

Georges Antoni Photography

Richard Bur­bridge & Mau­r­izio Anz­eri for Dazed & Confused

Polygon 40 by Snowblinded

Im obsessed with Stag's heads at the moment.
Another thing I want for the house I dont yet have....must stop buying and start saving.

Bree Dentice Jewellery

Andrei D. Robu

Gregory Euclide Otherworldly Installation


Lesqua­tresta­cions’ — oth­er­wise ‘The Four Sea­sons’ — refers to the musi­cal com­po­si­tion of the com­poser,
Anto­nio Vivaldi. It is essen­tially a graphic inter­pre­ta­tion of the four vio­lin con­cer­tos that make this baroque mas­ter­piece.
To cre­ate ‘Lesqua­tresta­cions’, we have designed a pro­to­type — ‘Sis­TeMu’ — a graphic nota­tion sys­tem
which looks at inter­pret­ing musi­cal texture.


Jesus Alonso Photography

Fashion Editorial by Dea Ludovice

Kanye West and Jay-​​Z Watch The Throne Album Cover


Completley inspired by these vectors

circo amato

Its freaky. I like it

Alex Beltechi

Heroes by Liam Brazier

Ellie Goulding Tour Poster


Shake by Carli Davidson

The North American Hairstyling Awards

Nacho Gil

London Eye

Coca-​​Cola 125th Anniversary Collector Cans

Casa Son Vida bt tecARCHITECTURE

Louie banks

RIP Amy Winehouse

Such a loss. Just having a Friday evening with her Frank album, reminds me of dissertation time when I was at university.

Adam Simpson for Conran

Jacob Ring

Happy Pear

sanna annukka for vogue

Ikea Dandelion light