Wednesday 30 June 2010

i Watch

Another Apple post today, The i Watch is the latest concept for one of Apples next creations, Lets hope it gets made, Ill be first in line for a White one!

Yes please!

One day...

Time of the signs

When I scoot off to London after Graduation, Ill be exhibiting my personal pathway on my board, which was a self wrote brief which fed directly from my dissertation.

This self directed study looks at extending the findings from my dissertation. My dissertation looked at brand ethics, and in particular the way brands present their products as something else, by using effective advertising and packaging. “Time of the signs” is a visual language that acts as a graphic solution to the economic and obesity crisis. Social class is determined not only the products you buy, but the lifestyles choices people make. For example, methods of transport, leisure and social activities. This graphic solution is extending my findings from my dissertation and includes lifestyle choices, as well as products, in a new visual language. My solution abolishes the use of brand ethics in packaging and advertising. Replacing brand image with symbols and simple typography tells the consumer exactly what they are getting. This no-nonsense approach to advertising a brands product is split into the five social classes, each social class has a colour code.

Looking forward to seeing how it looks when we exhibit at New Designers next week!

New Designers 2010

Off to London next Thursday to exhibit at Islingtons business design centre, looking forward to showing some of my work off to hopefully potential employers, New board this time featuring my piece "The time of the signs" watch this space for more information on the project coming soon, Looking forward to a couple of days in London, Im not really intrested in Living there, but enjoy going for a break, Staying with a good friend from university and catching up with an old one from back in the days on Fine Art A-level, so should be a good trip, Back to the part time work on the Saturday morning however which will kill me!, Means to an end, and after yesterday I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!, really want a job so I can get my teeth stuck into some new briefs now!, not long hopefully!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Lauren Ogden, Sealion trainer

This is a personal identity I have done for a good friend of mine who is a sea lion trainer at Blackpool zoo, Ill be doing a few things like this until I get a job sorted to keep me in the graphics mindset ha. Hope you like it Lauren.

I did it!!!

Just got back from university and got my classification, I'm absolutely over the moon I managed to get a first!! all that hard works finally paid off! : D

Monday 28 June 2010


Tado! is the joined forces of Mike and Katie, They have been a big inspiration to me whilst doing my degree, and in second year when I was applying a simmilar style to a brief, were really happy to help via email, fantastic stuff! check out there work at

Another Talented friend.

Todays inspiration come's from a good friend and talented creative Dan Lee, Dan is still at College but is already creating some amazing pieces, I love this piece which he did recently and thought it was well worth a Blog about.

"The piece is primarily constructed of steel. The white shoulder pieces are steel rings with steel circles attached to give it the shape. They are covered in white polyester to achieve the shape you see before you. Attached to the shoulder rings is a metal V shape brace that has the fabric cape attached to the underside. The cape is made up of not only fabrics such as chiffon and muslin, but synthetic hair extensions and synthetic dreadlocks.
I was inspired by a tropical rainforest plant called a Pitcher Plant. This plant hangs from trees and attracts insects into its jug like shape by generating a sweet aroma to entice creatures in. Despite being lethal to rainforest creatures, a Pitcher Plant itself if quite a beautiful thing to look at. I took the rim of the plant to gain my shoulder shapes and attached the white cape to symbolise a waterfall.
The piece itself if quite philosophical. I wanted to examine the simple dangers in life such as walking down the street, crossing a road, using a knife to cut food, and how we somehow manage to still go about our daily lives unafraid of them. The shoulder pieces are taken from a lethal plant to show that we wear these dangers everyday, and the waterfall symbolises our ability to shrug off the fact that whatever we are doing could potentially end in catastrophe. The reason i decided to place the piece on the shoulders is because i believe that each and everyone of us carries the weight of our own world.

I recently have left college and am undertaking a gap year. I shall pursue a course in fine arts at the University of Salford in the year 2010. Despite being on a gap year, I fully intend to work free lance on my own creations. I become increasingly interested in experimental couture fashion and I largely cover the area of body adornment and accessory design. Look out for a blog coming soon!!!!

Thanks Dan, Look forward to seeing your blog.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Finally got the watch...

Wanted one of these baby's for ages, Finally got one today!! its not a Marc Jacobs (yet) but I love it!!!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Designer water

Another Manchester find here, Being a graphic design student and learning about how companies trick you into buying things makes you think you wouldn't be sucked into it all?...wrong!, I keep seeing the special edition bottles of coke (world cup gold) and limited editions of Evian such as the Paul Smith one above, They really are nice!, Me and my friend Vicky from uni have a field day every time we go into Selfridges food hall, looking at all the delicious packaging!

On my travels...

Ive been blogging...

I need these...

I keep walking past these whilst in Manchester, sooner or later i will just go and buy them, There brilliantly designed, and will fit into our small cupboards in the flat perfectly.

A thing of great beauty...

There here!! seeing pictures popping up on face book from people who work in phone shops of these little beauts landing in UK shops, ive only had my 3gs white a few months and love it, Ive become one of those annoying people who always has their phone in their hands!, although i prefer the style of 4 on the front ill be keeping my 3gs for a while, Ive heard rumors that the 4 has a capping on the internet which is worrying, although I love the white fronts on these, they look much more stylish, I upgraded my software on my 3gs to iso4 and love it, so I'm sure as soon as much contracts up, and im more comfortable with money, ill be getting one of these...

18% Grey

Went to the BA(hons) Photography echibition at Cube in Manchester last night, some brilliant work and a good time was had by all, went mainly to see my friend Catherine's work, shes a brilliant photographer who ive worked with all the way through university, and a good friend!, well done cat, your work looked brilliant! and the free wine wasn't bad either.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


This was included in part of my dissertation and is the work of the cool, My dissertation looked at how brands such as Mcdonalds use effective brand ethics in thier packaging to appeal to a specific demographic. I really love this project. It can be seen here...

18 percent grey

Off to Manchster tonight to see my friends photography degree show. Check her out at


Welcome to my blog,
My name is Arran Bullock, a young creative who loves to get his teeth stuck into any challenge. I am currently coming to the end of studying for a BA(hons) Graphic Design course, which I have studied at The Blackpool and the Fylde College, for the past three years.

I love the process of problem solving when it comes to creative design briefs. I have a particular intrest in design for social change, I believe in todays climate design is the best way of communicating serious issues to a specific demographic. I am currently in the process of creating watch this space!
